The Platonic Ideal of a Pesky Penguin

Pesky Penguins

Solana OGs

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Revenue from the Pesky Penguins validator and sales royalties fund The Snowball, which buys and burns floor penguins.
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When you stake at the Pesky Penguins validator, your SOL earns 10.04% APY and your stake is matched 1:1 by the Solana foundation!More SOL staked, more SOL earned, more Penguins burned 🔥
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Since 2021, Pesky Penguins have been building without quitting. We are Solana OGs with a strong community who believe in burning NFTs, not minting more.
View the Lore
Snowballs Rolled
Penguins Burned
SOL Spent
USD Value

Join the OG Crew: Buy Pesky Penguins here

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